COVID-19 Outbreak | SwanCare Kingia

COVID-19 Outbreak | SwanCare Kingia
Covid-19 updates

We need to advise we have received confirmation of a COVID-19 outbreak at SwanCare Kingia.

21st December 2023

COVID-19 Outbreak: SwanCare Kingia

We need to advise we have received confirmation of a COVID-19 outbreak at SwanCare Kingia. We have a total of four residents on Level 1 who have tested positive for COVID-19. The families of the affected residents have been notified directly and the affected residents are being well taken care of in their rooms while they recover. We also have a total of two affected staff members who are recovering and isolating at home. 

All residents at SwanCare Kingia are being closely monitored for symptoms and tested as required. 

We will do all we can to minimise further spread which includes increasing our infection control measures across Level 1. Hairdressing services have ceased temporarily, physiotherapy and social engagement activities have been modified to 1:1, and meal tray service has been arranged for residents within their rooms across the affected area while we continue to assess and manage this outbreak.

Visitations to Level 1 at SwanCare Kingia are now closed until further notice. Visitation exemptions will be made for end of life and partners in care. All staff and approved visitors are required to follow all additional infection control protocols, which includes completing a RAT prior to entry and wearing an N95 mask indoors and outdoors within residential aged care centre grounds.

Visitations to SwanCare Kingia Ground Floor can continue, however due to the highly infectious nature of this virus, and to allow us to best manage the situation, we do request that visits be limited where possible to assist us in minimising further spread. Arrangements for telephonic and video communications can be made by contacting Kingia during reception hours, 9am – 12pm and 2pm – 5pm daily, to schedule a time. 

We understand this is not welcome news, especially around this time of year, however we will ensure all our residents remain in high spirits despite the lack of face-to-face contact with their loved ones. We know this is hard for all involved so thank you for your ongoing support and understanding while we manage this current outbreak, and we will continue to do all we can to have the situation resolved as soon as possible.

All up to date information can be found at COVID-19 Updates | SwanCare.


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