Feathers Winners December 2023

Feathers Winners December 2023
Our People

We're bringing in the New Year by celebrating our Feathers winners from December! Please help us celebrate the work of our overall winners Cecilia and Carolynn.

15th January 2024

Cecilia Bray and Carolynn Robinson are not just Social Engagement assistants at SwanCare Waminda, they are also our Feathers winners for December!

“Cecilia and Carolynn worked together to ensure one of our residents, Valerie, could have lunch with her husband, Howard, on Christmas Day. Valerie’s husband resides at Tandara, and as the SwanMobile is not available on public holidays, neither Carolynn or Cecilia wanted her to miss out on spending some precious time with Howard, who has dementia. Cecilia dropped Valerie off at Tandara and Carolynn picked her up and returned her home to Waminda. Neither of them were rostered on to work on Christmas Day yet they made the decision to leave their own celebrations to give the couple the opportunity to spend time together. Carolynn stated that when she picked Valerie up to return to Waminda, she was so very happy and said that her husband knew her name and held her hands so tight and did not want to let go. Thank you both for going above and beyond and making Christmas day extra special for these residents. For you, we are very grateful!”

How amazing are Cecilia and Carolynn? To sacrifice your own time so selflessly is incredibly admirable, we can’t thank you both enough for your dedication to our community.

Christmas is a time for coming together and reminding ourselves of what’s important: love, kindness and generosity. We are proud to see our team demonstrate this, not just over the Christmas period but every day of the year. Please join us as we now congratulate our category winners, recognised for also doing their part to make SwanCare so special.

Category Winners


Sonam Choki, Assistant in Nursing - SwanCare Waminda

“I would like to nominate Sonam Choki from Waminda for compassion. This afternoon I noticed Sonam with one of our residents who has been deteriorating post Covid and is in gastro isolation. The resident has been refusing her meals for a couple of days. I found Sonam spending her time with the resident and encouraging her to have meals. Sonam was telling her a story and feeding her. The resident was enjoying her talks and had most of her meal. Thank you Sonam for your amazing care. We are really proud to have you in our team.”

Sonam, you are the epitome of compassion, thank you so much for being you! You are the kind of person we strive to attract to the team at SwanCare.


Matt Southgate, Retirement Living Consultant – Administration

“These feathers are to extend my sincere appreciation to Matt for his exceptional contributions to the recent review of the customer service workbook. Matt's meticulous attention to detail and insightful feedback have significantly enhanced the quality of our training materials. His commitment to excellence and dedication to the improvement of our resources have truly been commendable. I wanted to take a moment to recognize Matt's outstanding help and express gratitude. We are fortunate to have such a capable and dedicated colleague. Thank you Matt for your continued commitment to excellence in customer service.”

We can only move forward and progress with the talent of people like you Matt, thank you for striving to make SwanCare better than it already is!


Leidy Ortiz, Social Engagement Assistant – SwanCare Tandara

“I would like to award Feathers to Leidy for being so creative and involving residents of Tandara with her magnificent Christmas Nativity scene. We have had so many comments and residents and relatives state that each time they have a look they see something different. A job well done Leidy, it is amazing.”

Fabulous Leidy, your creativity and hard work is being enjoyed by many. We hope we see more of your work in the future months!


Amal Zainuden, Registered Nurse, Team Leader - SwanCare Tandara

“Amal came to T1 on her day off over the long weekend to sort out an issue where stocks were needed urgently. She could have asked staff to sort out this issue, but she came here to solve the problem herself. Other than this, she is always willing to guide staff by replying to emails even during her days off. She definitely deserves a pat on the back for her commitment as an RNTL.”

We agree, a huge pat on the back! Thank you Amal, your commitment has not gone unnoticed, we are lucky to have you.


Namrata Neupane, Registered Nurse - SwanCare Ningana

“Despite being a recent graduate, Namrata's rapid growth and exemplary performance in nursing care has been truly commendable. She has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to her role, showcasing a level of professionalism and skill beyond her years of experience. She consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that our residents receive not only the necessary medical attention but also the emotional support they require. Her positive attitude, eagerness to learn, providing a helping hand to the ENs AINs and her compassionate approach to care have significantly enriched our work environment. I am certain that Namrata will continue to make remarkable contributions to our team and I am grateful to have her in our team.”

Wow, what amazing feedback Namrata! We appreciate everything you do. Thank you!


Jessie Lim, Hospitality Team Leader

“With Jessie's help, we were able to mitigate the risks associated with serving bread to residents on texture-modified diets. Your contribution to creating a bread list has enabled us to include them in our meal dockets. Your assistance in this will ensure the utmost safety of our residents. Thank you Jessie.”

Safety is paramount in every aspect of what we do, meaning your work is integral to the successful operation of our business. Thank you so much for your contributions Jessie!


Tristen Galipo, IT Support – Administration

“On 6th December, Jarrah Cafe was having an issue with their EFTPOS machine, it stopped working during busy lunch hours. This affected the sales of Jarrah Cafe due to many customers not having cash to pay for their orders. Tristen happened to come by as a customer and noticed the EFTPOS machine not working. Although it was not an IT issue, Tristen helped cafe staff contact the bank and found out NAB was having an issue with their network that day with that particular EFTPOS machine model. Tristen then walked to the Admin Building to borrow a spare EFTPOS machine that we normally use for Golf Days for Jarrah Cafe. Unfortunately, the spare machine also stopped working after a few minutes. Tristen then walked back to the Admin Building one more time in extreme heat to borrow another reception's EFTPOS machine. Jarrah Cafe was then able to resume its usual operation thanks to Tristen. He also followed up with the bank afterwards to organise a technician to come and inspect the issue. Big thanks to Tristen, he did an amazing job!”

Incredible problem-solving skills and dealt end to end in such a professional manner. Thanks, Tristen for helping out the SwanCare community and preventing many hungry tummys!

About Feathers

The SwanCare Feathers Rewards Program celebrates and acknowledges the incredible work completed every day by our staff. Feathers nominations are accepted across seven categories, all based on SwanCare’s values of teamwork, customer service and leadership. Any member of our team can be nominated for their outstanding work, acts of kindness, or contributions to projects. Feathers rewards points are accumulated, and staff can redeem prizes from our online prize catalogue. 

Nominate someone!

Do you know someone who goes above and beyond, while displaying SwanCare’s values? If you would like to acknowledge a colleague’s work, submit a Feathers nomination by logging in to Feathers https://swancare.browniepoints.com.au.


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