Changes have been made to visitation requirements for all SwanCare residential aged care centres.
17th May 2023
Update visitation requirements for SwanCare residential aged care centres
Influenza season is now upon us, while COVID-19 remains prevalent within our community and is likely to do so for quite some time. This is why we must remain responsible and do all we can to protect residents in our care.
As an organisation, the health and wellbeing of SwanCare residents, staff and families is our priority. Visitors are strongly encouraged to stay up to date with influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations as these offer an added level of protection for our vulnerable residents. We also encourage all visitors to complete a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) prior to entry, with RATs available from each care centres reception upon request.
In an effort to minimise risk of infection, visitors who test positive for COVID-19 must not enter our residential aged care centres for at least 7 days and until symptom free. In addition, if you are a close contact of anyone who is COVID-19 positive, we ask that you provide a negative RAT upon arrival and require you to wear a P2/N95 mask at all times while visiting.
SwanCare will also implement increased infection control measures during times of viral outbreak, such as COVID-19 and influenza. These changes will be communicated to resident representatives in a timely manner.
Currently, all visitors are required to adhere to the current health and safety measures as detailed below:
- Complete health screening, including temperature check, and sign in using visitor kiosk upon arrival
- Refrain from visiting if unwell for any reason
- If COVID-19 positive, refrain from visiting for at least 7 days and until symptom free
- COVID-19 close contacts are asked to provide a negative RAT upon arrival and wear a P2/N95 mask both indoors and outdoors
- Visitors are limited to two people at a time, from 9am – 12pm and 2pm – 5pm daily
- Visitors are strongly encouraged to stay up to date with Influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations
- Visitors are strongly encouraged to complete a RAT prior to entry
Thank you for your ongoing support and compliance while we continue to navigate COVID-19 and prepare for flu season. We are doing all we can to ensure our residents remain well and we cannot do this without the support of their loved ones.