COVID-19 Update | Ningana Outbreak

COVID-19 Update | Ningana Outbreak
Covid-19 updates

An update on the COVID-19 outbreak at SwanCare Ningana.

3rd May 2023

COVID-19 Update: SwanCare Ningana

We would like to provide an update on the current COVID-19 outbreak at SwanCare Ningana. Five additional residents on Level 2, one additional resident on Level 3 and one further staff member have tested positive for COVID-19. The affected residents’ families have been notified and those residents are being well taken care of in their rooms. The affected staff members are isolating at home until they make a full recovery. We are pleased to advise however that one resident on Level 2 and four residents on Level 3 have made a full recovery since our last update. A total of five staff members have also made a full recovery and have now returned to work. As such, we are currently managing a total of eight active cases on Level 2 and three active cases on Level 3. 

We are continuing to take every precaution to minimise risk and mitigate further spread. Routine COVID-19 testing will continue every 72 hours. In addition, we are observing increased infection control protocols, restricting movement across Level 2 and Level 3 including ceasing hairdressing and are providing meal tray services for affected residents. 1:1 interventions and small groups are permitted on all levels. 

SwanCare Ningana Level 2 and Level 3 will remain closed to visitors until further notice. Visitation exemptions will be made for essential visits, end of life and partners in care. Please contact the Care Services Manager or Clinical Nurse Manager if you need a visitation exemption for Level 2 or Level 3. Telephonic and video communications with your loved ones can be arranged by contacting SwanCare Ningana during reception hours to schedule a time. 

SwanCare Ningana Ground Floor and Level 1 will remain open however all visitors and staff are required to follow all usual protocols including completing a RAT test prior to entry and ensuring a N95 mask is worn appropriately. Full PPE is required for affected residents only. 

All actions have been implemented under the guidance of the Department of Health. 

Thank you for your ongoing support and patience as we managed this outbreak.

All up-to-date communications can be found at

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