COVID-19 Update | Ningana Outbreak

COVID-19 Update | Ningana Outbreak
Covid-19 updates

The COVID-19 Outbreak at SwanCare Ningana is declared as resolved.

15th May 2023

COVID-19 Update: Ningana Outbreak Resolved

We arepleased to advise that all COVID-19 affected residents at SwanCare Ningana have fully recovered and completed their isolation period. There is one staff member who has tested positive since our last update and is recovering from home. Therefore, we can declare the COVID-19 outbreak at SwanCare Ningana as resolved. 

Visitations to all levels at SwanCare Ningana can resume from today, Monday the 15th of May. All COVID-19 affected areas have been deep cleaned in preparation for reopening.

Masks and RAT testing prior to entry will no longer be required at SwanCare Ningana from tomorrow, Tuesday the 16th of May. However, these resources will remain available at reception for all visitors and staff who wish to continue utilising them. 

At SwanCare, the health and safety of our residents and staff remain our priority. To prevent reinfection, all visitors must continue adhering to the current health and safety measures as detailed below: 

  • Provide proof of current influenza and COVID-19 (2 doses) vaccinations prior to entry
  • Complete health screening and sign in using visitor kiosk upon arrival
  • Refrain from visiting if unwell or if you are a close contact of a COVID-19 case
  • If COVID-19 positive, refrain from visiting for at least 7 days and until symptom free
  • Visitors are limited to two people at a time, from 9am – 12pm and 2pm – 5pm daily

All actions have been implemented under the guidance of the Department of Health. 

Thank you to all residents and families for your ongoing support and patience as we managed this outbreak.

All up-to-date communications can be found at

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