COVID-19 Outbreak Update | SwanCare Kingia

COVID-19 Outbreak Update | SwanCare Kingia
Covid-19 updates

We need to advise an update on the current COVID-19 situation at SwanCare Kingia.

2nd January 2024

COVID-19 Outbreak Update | SwanCare Kingia

We need to advise an update on the current COVID-19 situation at SwanCare Kingia. Since our last update, we have had a total of eight residents on Level 1 test positive to COVID-19. From those eight residents, seven have made a full recovery with the one remaining affected resident currently receiving further support in hospital. Six staff members have also been affected during this outbreak, however five of those staff members have since recovered and returned to work, with the one remaining affected staff member completing their isolation period at home.

Residents at SwanCare Kingia are continuing to be closely monitored for symptoms and tested as required. Increased infection control measures also remain in place across Level 1 as we continue to minimise risk and mitigate further spread.

Visitations to Level 1 at SwanCare Kingia remain closed until further notice. Visitation exemptions will be made for end of life and partners in care. All staff and approved visitors are required to follow all additional infection control protocols, which includes completing a RAT prior to entry and wearing an N95 mask indoors and outdoors within residential aged care centre grounds.

Visitations to SwanCare Kingia Ground Floor can continue, however, to allow us to best manage the situation, we do request that visits be limited where possible to assist us in managing this outbreak. Arrangements for telephonic and video communications can be made by contacting Kingia during reception hours.

Please be reminded all visitors must adhere to the current health and safety measures as detailed below: 

  • Complete health screening and sign in using visitor kiosk upon arrival.
  • Current influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations prior to entry is encouraged.
  • Respect all infection prevention and control (IPC) measures in place.
  • Complete RAT prior to entry. 
  • Wear a mask indoors and outdoors within residential aged care centre grounds.
  • Refrain from visiting if unwell or if you are a close contact of a COVID-19 case.
  • If COVID-19 positive, refrain from visiting for at least 7 days and until symptom free.
  • Visitors are limited to two people at a time, from 9am – 12pm and 2pm – 5pm daily.

Thank you for your ongoing patience and support while we manage this outbreak. I will continue to provide further updates where appropriate.

All up to date information can be found at COVID-19 Updates | SwanCare.

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