Waminda Temporary Reception Location
Residential Aged CareBusiness

10th October 2023 | SwanCare Waminda's reception has temporarily relocated to the rear of the building.

10th October 2023

SwanCare Waminda Reception Temporarily Relocated.

Please be advised that SwanCare Waminda reception has now been temporarily relocated to the rear of the building during the first stage of the Waminda Refurbishment Project.

Access to reception will be via Wootliff Way (wheelchair accessible) or through the Leisure Precinct (no wheelchair access). Temporary way finding signage has been installed to assist with locating reception during this stage of the refurbishment.

Temporary parking is available on the grassed area on Adie Court between Akora and the shops. Please refer to the map showing the location of reception and parking.

For further information or to discuss any concerns, please contact Waminda reception on 6250 0051 or email waminda.refurbishment@swancare.com.au.

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