Refurbishment Project Approved
Residential Aged CareBusiness

The SwanCare Waminda Refurbishment Project has been approved. Works will commence late September 2023.

8th August 2023

SwanCare Waminda Refurbishment Project is approved.

We would like to provide an update on the SwanCare Waminda Refurbishment Project which I am pleased to advise has been approved by the SwanCare Board. 

This project will see a major refurbishment of Waminda including, internal refurbishment of resident rooms/ensuites, corridors and common areas, plus the introduction of dining and lounge options on all floor levels, and an extension of the reception area to improve visitor accessibility. Additionally, a new drop off area, ramp and landscaping will complement the internal improvements. 

At this stage, the builder is expected to take possession of the first stage of Waminda late in September, with some preliminary works being undertaken before this time. 

The preliminary works include: 

  • Establishing builder compound - proposed for one half of Wootliff Way 

  • Constructing temporary parking for Waminda staff, visitors and contractors on the grass area between Akora and the Swan Grocery Store 

The first stage of the works will see the external improvements, reception extension and all resident rooms on Ground Floor refurbished. This stage is expected to be completed around March/April 2024. It is expected that the Ground Floor dining and activities spaces will follow toward the end of the project to allow for dining opportunities on the floors to be available for all residents. 

We will try to minimise stress for residents where possible, however there will be noise and other interruptions during the refurbishment, consistent with what is typical for an extensive upgrade of this type. Residents will continue to be offered choice and security of tenure, with most residents being able to return to their previous room following refurbishment, subject to staging availability. Temporary room arrangements will be coordinated by our professional team in advance of each stage, with the support of resident families and representatives as required. 

In preparation for the refurbishment, we respectfully request that resident rooms are decluttered, and valuables secured or removed from site prior to relocation of rooms. This will help to ensure breakages and losses are minimised. 

Regular updates on progress and staging will be provided within Waminda on a regular basis by email with updates provided externally on our website until completion, expected in Mid-2025. 

For further information can be provided by emailing  

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