Refurbishment Project Commencement Date
Residential Aged CareBusiness

SwanCare Waminda's Refurbishment Project is set to begin.

21st September 2023

SwanCare Waminda Refurbishment Project update

Subject to statutory approvals, we expect our builder to commence construction of the first stage on the 16th of October 2023. This stage will involve the closure of the current reception, walkway ramp and front parking area, with handover of this stage expected in late March 2024. Temporary parking and reception arrangements will be in place during this stage of works. Please refer to the map here showing the location of reception and parking.

We are still working through final detail on traffic management through Wootliff Way to determine the best and safest way for visitors to enter the new reception area, resident set down/pick up, along with delivery of supplies to Waminda on a daily basis. Please follow the directions of the traffic management on site when it is established.

Prior to construction commencement we expect the builder to establish site compounds, temporary parking arrangements and some hoardings internally and externally to enable safe construction for commencement on the 16th of October. These establishment works are expected to commence from the 2nd of October.

There will inevitably be some teething issues during the first few weeks of site establishment and construction, and we ask that any issues or concerns you wish to raise are brought to our attention as soon as possible to our care team on site or the details below.

For further information or to discuss any concerns, please contact email

All updates will be posted on our website so please check here regularly to stay informed.


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