The Moments that Make Memories

The Moments that Make Memories
Retirement Living

We interviewed Bentley Park resident Sue Lewis to learn more about the stories that shaped her life. 

7th January 2025

Sue Lewis is a lady who plays to her strengths, with her talents providing both interesting and impressive experiences. We interviewed the Bentley Park resident to learn more about the stories that shaped her life. 

Memory Lane 

Born in Wimbledon, south-west London, Sue had what she describes as a lovely countryside upbringing, unsurprisingly affiliated with tennis! As locals, Sue’s mother had access to tickets, and she remembers walking across the common to see all the action. This is just one of Sue’s many childhood memories which stand out. 

“I remember bottled milk and sacks of coal being delivered by horse and cart. I also remember the rag and bone man going down the road calling out ‘rag and bones!’ If you had any rags, you gave them to him – I’m not sure what they were used for, and I have no idea what the bone was about! I think it must have been unwanted household items.” 

Singing to the Stars 

As a student at Wimbledon High School, Sue enjoyed her education and had a love for singing. She spent her teen years as a soprano in the Wimbledon Girls Choir. 

“We travelled all over the UK and abroad. We exchanged with choirs from Germany, Norway and Holland. I met Cliff Richard in a recording studio in London and as I was introduced, he commented on my cold hands! 

We performed in shows with Adam Faith, The Hollies, Cilla Black, Maurice Chevalier – many people from that era. 

Two outstanding evenings were singing at the Victoria Palace and singing a duet at the Royal Albert Hall.” 

As you do! 

Love on the Horizon 

Sue loved singing but always wanted to be a teacher and had a bee in her bonnet about visiting Australia. 

“I decided to go as an exchange teacher to Sydney. From Southampton, I had an amazing seven-week cruise stopping at thirteen ports. On the ship I was introduced to a man named Ken. At the end of my year in Sydney, I flew to Perth, was married to Ken and we both cruised back to the UK via South Africa. 

I taught in Surrey again and in 1974 headed back to Perth as a ten-pound Pom. I resumed teaching and my love of ballroom dancing as luckily Ken was a dancer as well. I currently go dancing three times a week. Travel has also remained an important part in my life, and I have enjoyed numerous trips in Australia and abroad. I have been back to the UK and Europe 15 times!” 

When the two children came along, Sue was a stay-at-home mum. She now has four grandchildren. 

Sue eventually resumed teaching and worked in the school library until 2012, before commencing work as a private tutor. 

Connections & Crosswords 

In 2017, Sue retired from her private tutoring. It was this same year that she decided to sign up to participate in Curtin University’s Senior Citizen Partnership Program. 

The Program works closely with retirement living residents who are paired up with two medical students, allowing our future doctors to gain a deeper insight into the older generation and their needs. 

“The Program also helps foster intergenerational connections and is very enjoyable. Twelve of my students have graduated so far, and I have been to three graduation ceremonies.” 

Over the past nine years at Bentley Park, Sue and Ken have made a life for themselves being active members of the community, attending most of the functions and village clubs, running dances, and making use of what’s on offer. 

Among her busy schedule, Sue can often be found partaking in various creative pastimes. In fact, do you enjoy the crosswords and puzzles in Tidings? Well, you can thank Sue for those! With her background in education, she is the perfect candidate to keep our brains active. You can see her latest work on Page 20.

It’s been a joy to learn more about you, Sue! Thank you for sharing your wonderful journey with us. 


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