The flock that squats together...

The flock that squats together...
Our People

Introducing The Squatting Swans - the unique way we're helping to raise funds for world-class breast cancer research.

1st March 2024

Today marks Day 1 of the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) Squat Challenge, where people across Australia are asked to complete 57 squats every day throughout March to fundraise for breast cancer research.

57 represents the number of Australians who are diagnosed with breast cancer every day, and incidences are on the rise.

That’s why we’re taking action. 

SwanCare has registered our team, The Squatting Swans, to support the NBCF and help raise funds for world-class breast cancer research.

And get this - our generous SwanCare community has helped us raise over $1,700 already! How awesome is that?!

Best of all, we're only just getting started!

To support the 57 Squats Challenge, we invite you to join our flock of Squatting Swans. Alternatively, you can cheer us on by donating to NBCF on behalf of SwanCare via the following link: NBCF Fundraiser 

Together, we can make a difference.


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