Staff Services Lunch

Staff Services Lunch
Our People

Each year SwanCare’s CEO Graham Francis, along with our team of Managers, invite staff who have serviced 10, 20 or 30+ years to our annual Staff Services Lunch.

SwanCare not only recognises but celebrates their long serving staff.

This year we celebrated 18 staff who have been with us for 10 years, five who have serviced 20 years, and one who has just completed 35 years with SwanCare!

As part of the presentation ceremony, Graham said "It is terrific that in today’s working environment where workforce transition is commonplace, that we at SwanCare have such amazing staff that are loyal, dedicated and committed. We are so blessed to have these wonderful people who help make SwanCare such a wonderful place to work."

Congratulations to our staff on this wonderful achievement.


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