More than Meets the Eye

More than Meets the Eye
Our People

Antonino Abad is the Facilities, Assets & Capital Works Operations Manager who leads our Maintenance team, offering services and support to residents across the entire SwanCare campus. 

When Facilities, Assets & Capital Works Operations Manager, Antonino Abad joined SwanCare in April last year, he knew he could make a positive difference.

“I work with a talented team and was able to quickly identify areas in which efficiencies could be made, with the primary focus on streamlining our processes,” Antonino said.

“It’s been a year of positive change, where we are learning from each other and growning as a team.”

An average day for the Maintenance team involves meetings, reviewing outstanding issues, consulting with the residents, contractors and prioritising workflows for the day and week ahead.

“We meet weekly on a Monday morning as a team to prioritise jobs and we have monthly safety meetings, so we all know what’s required and are all on the same page,” Antonino said.

“It’s really important to communicate with each other and make sure we all understand what’s required to get the job done.”

The Maintenance team is responsible for the entire Bentley campus including all independent units within the retirement village as well as all four residential aged care centres. Working on one of the biggest aged care campuses in Australia means there’s always a lot to do.

“We have a fleet of Maintenance Officers, a Refurbishment Coordinator, a Procurement Coordinator and contractors, and within that, there are a lot of follow-ups that we need to do,” he said, “We schedule and manage all the requests and feedback that we’re getting from residents and staff regarding anything maintenance related.”

“Since I joined, we are making improvements to increase maintenance efficiencies through revising our processes, and taking advantage of technology such as QR codes, mobile communications and client management software systems.

“Our collective job is to ensure safety and provide better outcomes for our residents and staff.”

Antonino says his aim is to make SwanCare the safest possible place for residents, with a friendly and approachable maintenance team there to help them whenever they need it.

“I’m also collaborating with my team to make them more visible and I’m encouraging them to strive towards nominations for our SwanCare Feathers program as this recognises exceptional service and those who go above and beyond,” he said.

“We have a strong maintenance team and together we will continually pursue improvement. It’s an exciting time to be part of it and I have big plans for my team.”

A big thank you to you and your team, Antonino, for the great work you do for everyone at SwanCare!


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