Feathers Winners October 2023

Feathers Winners October 2023
Our People

Please join us in congratulating our Feathers winners for October 2023!

After careful consideration, our October Feathers winner has been decided. Please join us in giving a huge congratulations to Repeka Kirianu, who is our Feather Winner for October!

Repeka, an enrolled nurse working at SwanCare Waminda, has been recognised for demonstrating one of SwanCare’s key values, compassion. 

“Repeka organised to swap her shift to be able to volunteer at this year's Aged Care Games held at Belmont. Repeka was offered to be rostered on the day, but she declined as she wanted to help as a volunteer. Repeka didn't just proudly turn up wearing her Waminda colours, but she also arrived with a beach trolley and an esky full of drinks and nibbles for our Waminda residents that she bought out of her own pocket. Needless to say, our residents didn't just have fun, but were well-fed that day. Thank you Bex!”

Wow Repeka, not only are you the epitome of compassion, but you really do go above and beyond in your role!

Repeka was one of many, many SwanCare staff that we read about in the Feather nominations - it’s a difficult task to only pick one winner! Read about the other category winners and why their peers have nominated them.

Category Winners

Mary Aye, Assistant in Nursing (SwanCare Waminda)

“Mary always does her work with so much love and respect for all involved. Mary always recognises the residents and makes them happy with laughter and feeling loved and respected. Mary is always willing to help and assist anywhere she can, that is even on top of her own workload. Mary is always making our residents happy and having a good laugh with them but also respects our residents with so much care and love. What would we do without our Mary. Keep up the good-hearted work!"

Mary you are the kind of person we aim to attract to the team at SwanCare. You are an asset to our organisation.

Carole Balchand, Registered Nurse (SwanCare Ningana)

“I would like to recognise Carole for the hard work she has put in as the champion for wound care. On top of her work on the floor, she has gone to other floors to review wound care and assess why some may be taking longer to heal than others, improve healing time and decrease the number of wound infections. She has provided information booklets for each trolley, with information about the type of wound care products we carry to help the nurses choose the appropriate wound care management. In doing so there has been a decrease in the amount of wounds and an increase in the healing rate. Thank you, Carole, for approaching this with so much passion.”

Carole, we love that you are sharing such valuable knowledge to help us improve our service. Your passion for your work is evident and we thank you.

Mia Petralba, Registered Nurse (SwanCare, Waminda)

“One resident had a sudden and unexpected clinical deterioration that needed a quick response and appropriate action. As a new RN, critical thinking and decision-making are skills that I lack and still have to improve at. However, with the leadership and proper guidance shown by Mia to myself and the team that day, I managed to organise the resident's hospital transfer in time and prevented further decline.”

Mia, we are so lucky to have you at SwanCare. Thank you for inspiring and leading the team around you! 

Carole Balchand, Registered Nurse (SwanCare, Ningana)

“M. Roberts (ECU) recognises Carole for: Carole has gone over and above in supporting and encouraging ECU Student RN's who are on their first prac placement. Her enthusiasm and care for her residents is inspirational.”

What great feedback! Thank you so much Carole for everything you do.

Annie Kanaparthi, Integrations Developer (ICT – Administration)

“I'd like to recognise Annie for the outstanding effort she has put into getting the village and 4x care activity calendars live on our website. The integration process has been large and arduous at best and wouldn't have been possible without Annie's knowledge to guide us and the developers through the process. Annie has gone above and beyond over many months to ensure this project came to fruition and is continually running her own additional checks each morning to pick up any glitches and ensure it continues to run smoothly. Annie, thank you for your attention to detail and the ongoing support you provide without even being asked. You're a real asset!”

Huge effort Annie! Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication.

Stella Kyampaire – AIN  | Sonam Choki - AIN | Babita B K Rasaily – AIN | Sajina Rai – AIN (SwanCare Waminda)

“This is to acknowledge the exemplary teamwork of Stella, Sonam, Babita and Sajina. Knowing that Waminda is undergoing a refurbishment, it's a bit hectic affecting resident's behaviours and emotions. These ladies worked hand in hand in delivering the best care in all aspects to our residents. One of them took a resident out for a walk to manage her low mood, one inspected every room and made a one-on-one interaction with residents that has behaviour issues and trimmed their nails. The rest stayed on the floor, spoke to visiting families and attended to the rest of the residents' needs. Their exemplary teamwork has made the floor run smoothly, making the residents and family members happy. Thank you, ladies. You are worthy of emulation by your peers!”

Fabulous feedback and a testament to your work. Thank you for everything you do for our residents, as well as demonstrating true teamwork.

SwanCare Awards Night

For SwanCare staff, it’s time to polish the dancing shoes and get in the party mood, for SwanCare’s biggest and most glamourous night of the year. On 8th December, we are inviting all staff members to come and celebrate in style, at the Feathers End of Year Awards Night! 

Kerrilee Wilson, People & Culture Operations Manager, spoke about the importance of marking the end of year with a celebration. “At SwanCare we are spread across 15-hectares,” said Kerrilee. “Staff work across four different care centres and various locations throughout the campus including administration. It’s good for people from different departments to get out and meet each other. I’m lucky I get to read all the amazing nominations every month and find out what’s going on across SwanCare, but others don’t. This is a way of everyone coming together and celebrating one another.”

Kerrilee approached staff to find out what would be their ideal end of year celebration. She then collected votes and gathered feedback. She received some great ideas! “It was suggested that everyone gets dressed up,” said Kerrilee. “So, we are going for cocktail dress. It’s nice for staff to get out of their scrubs or work clothes and get together. We’ll have an LED dance floor and DJ on the night - it’s time to go more glitz and glam!”

This sounds like a SwanCare awards night to remember!

About Feathers

The SwanCare Feathers Rewards Program celebrates and acknowledges the incredible work completed every day by our staff. Feathers nominations are accepted across seven categories, all based on SwanCare’s values of teamwork, customer service and leadership. Any member of our team can be nominated for their outstanding work, acts of kindness, or contributions to projects. Feathers rewards points are accumulated, and staff can redeem prizes from our online prize catalogue. 

Nominate someone!

Do you know someone who goes above and beyond, while displaying SwanCare’s values? If you would like to acknowledge a colleague’s work, submit a Feathers nomination by logging in to Feathers https://swancare.browniepoints.com.au.

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