Feathers Winners November 2023

Feathers Winners November 2023
Our People

Ahead of our Feathers Awards night later this week, please join us in congratulating our winners for November 2023!

Congratulations Stephanie Burgess, you are our November Feathers winner!  

Stephanie has been recognised for demonstrating compassion to others - compassion being one of SwanCare’s key values. Our lovely SwanCare resident, May Simmons, kindly provided the nomination.

“Stephanie found me at the entrance of Mavis Cleaver Court, I was all agitated as I had just realised that I missed my doctor’s appointment. I live with significant vision impairment and read the appointment as 1:30pm instead of 11:30am. Stephanie stopped to assist me and called my doctor to arrange a new appointment on another day. I can't thank her enough for her assistance. Her calm and kind nature helped me settle down.”

Enriching the lives of our residents is why we are here, Stephanie you are a SwanCare role model, thank you.

We love reading all the many wonderful Feather nominations and although we cannot name everyone, we are proud to acknowledge our category winners for the month and share some stories which show the amazing attributes of our team here at SwanCare.

Category Winners


Matthew Southgate, Retirement Living Consultant (Administration)

“We have a village resident who needs to look at moving to residential care. This resident is understandably finding this transition quite difficult. Although it is not Matt's responsibility, the resident really trusts Matt and as such, he has been more than happy to take the lead in working with this resident to guide and assist them in their aged care journey. Thank you, Matt, for going over and above to help this resident.”

Great work Matthew, building trust is such a vital part of what we do, and your nomination demonstrates how great you are at your job. Thank you!


Maribel Schofield, Food Services Assistant (Hospitality)

“When our cool room broke down, Bella, together with her team, demonstrated exceptional teamwork and resilience. They efficiently removed all the items from the cool room ensuring that we didn't incur any losses. What sets Bella apart is her proactive approach. During the cool room's repair period, she seized the opportunity to go above and beyond her regular duties by thoroughly cleaning the cool room after her shift. Her initiative and attention to detail not only contributed to the cleanliness of the facility but also enhanced the overall hygiene and quality standards of our operations. Bella’s consistent dedication, exemplary work ethic and willingness to go the extra mile do not go unnoticed. Her contributions have been invaluable, and I want to express my sincere appreciation for her exceptional efforts in ensuring the smooth operation of our facility. Bella your hard work and commitment are truly remarkable, and we are fortunate to have you as a part of our team. Thank you for all that you do.”

Wow, Bella what amazing feedback, we are so happy to celebrate this with you. Much deserved. Thank you.


Alia Arias, Registered Nurse (SwanCare Waminda)

“Acting as a manager for two weeks and giving directions to everyone…it’s so impressive how she follows up the things that make it easier for everyone. As I worked as an acting CNM at the same time, it was easy for me as well to get directions from her. Thanks a lot, Alia.”

Thank you, Alia, for stepping up and helping the team operate smoothly!


Sasha Locke, Management Accountant (Administration)

“Finance has had some big deadlines over the past month, which takes a lot of organisation and dedication to achieve. One of which was our Quarterly Financial Report due on a Saturday (immediately after our year-end prudential deadline!). Sasha worked extra hard all week, and on the Saturday, to ensure we met this deadline! It is this sense of commitment that makes Sasha such a valued team member of the Finance team and an asset to the SwanCare family. We appreciate your efforts Sasha, and your constant smiles help us all get through these busy times too! Well done!”

Smiley Sasha, we can’t thank you enough for your commitment to your work! You are an asset to SwanCare.


Jackie Hillson, Mavis Theyagarajah, Mari Luis, Jeffrey De-Asis & Leena Vettiyadan, Physiotherapy Assistants (SwanCare Kingia & Tandara)

“Jeff, Luis, Jackie, Mavis, and Leena are an integral part of the PT team at Kingia and Tandara. They ensure residents in each care centre receive their weekly PT interventions to keep them healthy and active. Due to the recent COVID outbreak, the team has had to adapt to the rapidly changing situation and modify their treatment according to how each resident presents. As group exercise class is not appropriate during this time, the PT team have gone above and beyond to deliver personalised care for each resident, providing emotional support at the same time. I also appreciate them relaying to the PT (me) pertinent information regarding residents who require extra attention (e.g. Just had a fall). Jackie, Mavis, Jeff, Luis and Leena deserve recognition for providing such stellar service to residents during this time. Thank you.”

We love hearing about the power of teamwork. As individuals and collectively, we appreciate your commitment to our residents and to the wider team. Thank you!

About Feathers

The SwanCare Feathers Rewards Program celebrates and acknowledges the incredible work completed every day by our staff. Feathers nominations are accepted across seven categories, all based on SwanCare’s values of teamwork, customer service and leadership. Any member of our team can be nominated for their outstanding work, acts of kindness, or contributions to projects. Feathers rewards points are accumulated, and staff can redeem prizes from our online prize catalogue. 

Nominate someone!

Do you know someone who goes above and beyond, while displaying SwanCare’s values? If you would like to acknowledge a colleague’s work, submit a Feathers nomination by logging in to Feathers https://swancare.browniepoints.com.au.


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