Feathers Winners July 2023

Feathers Winners July 2023
Our People

Join us in celebrating the outstanding work of our SwanCare family, as we announce our July Feather Winners!

Exceptional people are at the heart of our business. Without them, we would not be able to deliver the high standards of service that SwanCare has become known for. Success is built from teamwork, and it’s because our team show such impressive commitment to their work that we can honour so many incredible people.

This month we are thrilled to award Josephine Rodriguez as our overall July Feathers Winner, for demonstrating true leadership style in her role as a Cook at SwanCare Ningana. She has gained great respect through her effective leadership qualities, leading by example, and performing her duties to the highest standards. 

“During the food audit week, Josephine came to work on her day off to check the levels to make sure everyone was complying with the protocols. She shared her knowledge and skills and mentored each one of us. She was very calm and collected during the audit. She inspired us to be the same and be confident in whatever we do. Truly above and beyond.”

Congratulations Josephine, your award is very much deserved.

We would also like to recognise and celebrate the following category winners. You are not only creating a positive impact on your peers, but also with the lives of our residents. Thank you for your incredible work.

Category Winners

Compassion: Rowena Cano (Assistant in Nursing - SwanCare Waminda)

“Rowena is one of those staff members that flies under the radar. Recently I witnessed the exceptional care she gave two of our palliative care residents. She goes above and beyond her duties to ensure care needs are met, ensuring residents are comfortable not only physically, but emotionally. Rowena has a gentle calm manner in which she attends to residents, and I believe this is the kind of care each resident should have. Rowena should be recognised for being such an integral part of our team. Thank you, Rowena.”

Amazing Rowena, it’s people like you who make SwanCare such a special place for residents and their families.

Customer Service: Keenan Redwood (Roster Coordinator - Hospitality Services)

“I would like to give Keenan feathers because he jumped right in to help Spritz when we were completely smashed with food orders and our dishwasher was broken. He was so helpful, and we would not have been able to keep up if he didn’t help! Thank you, Keenan, I really appreciate everything you do!”

Keenan, your dedication to the wider team is admirable and we are lucky to have you at SwanCare!

Improvements, Innovation & Creativity: Dhurba Rijal (Chef - Hospitality Services)

“I would like to give Dhurba Feathers because we have been getting many compliments from staff about his hot meals. Spritz items that have been prepared by him have been a big success, bringing different meal choices to the cafe. He also prepares such beautiful catering platters for functions, and I would like to recognise all his hard work juggling Jarrah, Spritz and Catering.”

Your talents have caught the attention of many and your work is widely appreciated, thank you Dhurba! 

Teamwork: Kirsten MacDonald (Social Engagement Assistant - SwanCare Waminda)

“I came to Kirsten with an idea of a new activity she could do at SwanCare Waminda, which we could then post to our social media pages to share with our resident’s friends and family. I knew it might involve quite a bit of organisation and planning, and with her already busy schedule I wasn’t sure if it would be possible. Without hesitation she leaped into the opportunity and began brainstorming how to best get our residents and staff involved. She did a wonderful job and I know these photos will mean a lot to our resident’s friends and family. This is just one example of the many ways Kirsten works alongside the Marketing team to help us share these special moments. Thank you, Kirsten, for all you do!”

Kirsten your energy and proactive approach are qualities we truly admire. Thank you for your dedication. 

Team Nomination: Chimi Tshomo, Yeshi Dema, Dema Choden, Celeste Valdez, Siji Mathew, Tracey Lawrence – (Assistants in Nursing - SwanCare Kingia & Tandara)

“An incident happened at the start of the shift when the nurse was not around. One of the residents had a seizure episode. When the nurse on duty attended to the resident, the staff had already placed the resident in a recovery position with all the necessary equipment the nurse needed to assess the resident. The staff did not panic and instead worked simultaneously to ensure the resident’s safety, their own safety and a smoothly run shift.”

This story really demonstrates the value of having a strong team, your individual and combined efforts are a testament to SwanCare. Thank you all! 

About Feathers
The SwanCare Feathers Rewards Program celebrates and acknowledges the incredible work completed every day by our staff. Feathers nominations are accepted across seven categories, all based on SwanCare’s values of teamwork, customer service and leadership. Any member of our team can be nominated for their outstanding work, acts of kindness, or contributions to projects. Feathers rewards points are accumulated, and staff can redeem prizes from our online prize catalogue. 

Nominate someone!
Do you know someone who goes above and beyond, while displaying SwanCare’s values? If you would like to acknowledge a colleague’s work, submit a Feathers nomination by logging in to Feathers: https://swancare.browniepoints.com.au.

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