Board Dinner 2023

Board Dinner 2023

Our Executive Management Team and Members of the SwanCare Board came together for their annual end of year function.

Last week our Executive Management Team and Members of the SwanCare Board came together for their annual end of year function.

It was the perfect occasion to reflect on the past 12 months, celebrating our proudest achievements for 2023 while acknowledging the obstacles our sector was presented with along the way.

“Despite the challenges we’ve faced this year we have seen excellent results, demonstrating just how well we can adapt to these difficult and somewhat unpredictable times,” said SwanCare CEO, Graham Francis.

"It takes a great team to achieve these results and we are very fortunate that we have a fantastic team of people that make up SwanCare.”

To finish his speech, Graham read his poem aptly titled ‘Ode to a Great Exec Team' before guests were invited to sit back, relax, and see the year through a whole different lens.

With their camera at the ready, SwanCare’s Marketing Team have captured SwanCare's journey throughout 2023. Their photos and videos have been incorporated into an end of year wrap up video which can now be viewed over on SwanCare’s YouTube channel: SwanCare 2023 Year in Review 

A huge thank to Spritz Catering for the divine food and the talented Matt Burke for keeping us entertained all evening long.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our SwanCare community, residents, family, and friends, for your ongoing support. You never fail to remind us why we love doing what we do.

To see photos from the event, please view our Facebook post here:  Board Dinner 2023

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