A Lifelong Passion for Learning

A Lifelong Passion for Learning
Retirement Living

For former teacher, lecturer and SwanCare resident Sarath Chandran, a lifelong passion for learning is in his blood and it’s something he continues to enjoy, even in his retirement.

They say that great teachers are born, not made, and this is true of Dr. Sarath Chandran who clearly still loves to learn and teach, even in his twilight years.

Sarath was a physics and chemistry lecturer at Curtin University who studied at Murdoch and obtained his Ph.D. from UWA. He also held a long tenure at Lynwood Senior High School as the head of its Science Department.

Even though he is officially retired, he still tutors from time to time, helping out students at school and university whenever he can.

He said to this day, he loves to challenge his mind, is an avid reader and still runs into his old students occasionally, which gives him immense satisfaction.

“It gives me such joy to know that students I’ve taught are doing well, some of them are engineers and doctors now, it’s a real honour that they remember me and that I had some influence on their lives at school or university,” he said.

Originally from Madras in southern India, Sarath now lives with his wife Rajakumari at SwanCare Bentley Park and has two grown sons who live in Italy and Melbourne.

They left India many years ago for a better life in Australia; and Sarath said although they had visited a couple of times, Australia is home now.

Since moving to SwanCare almost a year ago, he said the people and staff he has met feel a lot like family.

“There are wonderful people here and we have so much support, it has all been very smooth sailing,” he said.

“I am enjoying meeting people and settling in, I will probably stop teaching all together next year.”

Sarath said his love of both reading and gardening keeps him occupied at SwanCare, he is currently exploring religious history and biblical archaeology, and also loves to read historical fiction novels.

“There is so much to learn, I am always learning,” he said.

“I think that’s how it is for teachers; you never stop teaching and you never stop learning. 

“At the moment I am exploring biblical history and trying to look at it from a different perspective than with my critical thinking, science mind. I also like to keep up to date with the latest scientific developments, so much is changing right now.”

When Sarath isn’t reading or tutoring, he also enjoys cooking and learning how to make new vegetarian dishes for him and his wife to enjoy.

“I am enjoying learning how to cook and I very much like making sauces, pickles and salads and all of the accompaniments to Indian meals such as rice, chapatis, side dishes and chutneys. I am always learning new recipes and I also enjoy eating what I’ve made, and sharing it with friends, it’s a lovely experience,” he said.

“There are also many, many clubs you can join at SwanCare and they are very encouraging if you have an interest in something or if you want to create your own club. There’s something for everyone to enjoy here.

“I enjoy being out in the garden too, especially at this time of year in spring before the weather gets too hot. There is always something to plant or prune and it is good physical activity.”

Sarath said that being retired has been wonderful because his time is now his own, and he can fill his days however he wants to.

“When you’re working, so much of your time isn’t your own, I did very long hours at the universities and schools I worked for. There are often times when you are on call,” he said.

“And while at the time it is truly wonderful to be part of a school or university community, there is only so much else you can fit in around your work and your family. When you’re retired you can enjoy your days knowing that you can do as little or as much as you would like to every day,” he said.

“But for the moment, there is always something to do, I keep a diary with a list of things I have to do and haven’t done, so there is no problem in staying busy.

“I am slowing down, but I do still enjoy tutoring, I like to stay mentally active and physically fit, I also hope to do some volunteering at SwanCare next year too.

“I would highly recommend the village to anyone who is thinking of starting that next chapter of their life,” Sarath said.

“We are very fortunate to be here, we have everything we need and lovely people around us who really do feel like family.”

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us Sarath, we love having you as part of the SwanCare family.


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