A Feather in Your Cap

A Feather in Your Cap
Our People

Meet People and Performance Operations Manager Kerrilee Wilson.

You can tell from talking to People and Performance Operations Manager Kerrilee Wilson that she’s passionate about rewarding and recognising staff. 

Feathers is a reward and recognition program which allows SwanCare employees to be nominated for an act of good will or by going above and beyond to support our residents or other staff. Feathers gives staff the chance to not only be recognised for their good deed, but also be rewarded for it. 

“When someone goes above and beyond, they can receive a Feathers nomination,” Kerrilee explained, “Feathers accumulate so the staff are able to redeem them online for a reward of their choice. It’s kind of similar to a frequent flier or fly buys rewards program, with something for everyone from gift cards and experiences to a day off.” 

Joining the SwanCare team last year, Kerrilee says it was the thriving community at SwanCare which initially attracted her to the role, “When people are making a difference to someone’s life, enriching their everyday experience, it means a lot to the person and their family. Small acts of kindness can have a huge impact.” 

It’s Kerrilee’s job to collate the nominations every month and meet with the Feathers committee to vote on a winner for each category and an overall winner for the month. There are a number of categories, some of which include customer service, compassion, leadership and teamwork. 

“We want to remind residents that they’re able to nominate someone for Feathers through our nomination form. It’s a great way for residents to feel connected to staff and say thank you for their hard work and dedication,” Kerrilee said. 

Each year, Kerrilee helps to coordinate their annual Feathers Nominations of the Year Award night, “We’d like the event to grow and for more staff to attend this year. It’s a wonderful end to the year, celebrating all those good deeds and kindness from our staff.” 

“With more than 600 employees working across a 15-hectare campus, the Feathers program gives us the opportunity to connect and celebrate together,” Kerrilee said, “The tagline for the Feathers program is - ‘if you catch someone doing good, put a feather in their cap’ - we’re really proud of it and we can’t wait to award more feathers to our wonderful staff this year.” 

Thank you for chatting with us, Kerrilee. Readers who wish to nominate a staff member for Feathers can find a nomination form at each reception desk or email your nomination to feedback@swancare.com.au

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