Gastroenteritis & COVID-19 Update | SwanCare Waminda

Gastroenteritis & COVID-19 Update | SwanCare Waminda
Covid-19 updates

Further to our current Gastroenteritis outbreak we are experiencing at SwanCare Waminda, we have also had a number of residents and a staff member return positive results for COVID-19.

I need to advise, that further to our current Gastroenteritis outbreak we are experiencing at SwanCare Waminda, we have also had a number of residents and a staff member return positive results for COVID-19.

Currently 19 residents are still affected by gastro across levels 3 and 4, as are 14 staff members. Since the onset of this outbreak, 41 residents across all floors have recovered along with 10 staff.

Today we have had five residents return positive results for COVID-19 across levels 3 and 4, along with one staff member. 

The families of all affected residents have been notified directly. All affected residents are being well taken care of in their rooms while they recover. The affected staff member is recovering at home.

Hairdressing services remain suspended, physiotherapy and social engagement activities have been modified to 1:1 and meal tray service has been arranged for residents within their rooms across the affected floors while we manage these outbreaks.

SwanCare Waminda remains closed to visitors until further notice. Visitation exemptions will be made for end of life only. 

All staff and approved visitors are required to complete a RAT prior to entry and wear an N95 mask as well as follow all additional infection control protocols when entering Waminda.

While the additional outbreak is not welcome news, the increase of COVID-19 within the community has made it difficult to avoid. We will continue to do all we can to minimise further spread and ensure all our residents remain in high spirits despite the lack of face-to-face contact with their loved ones. We know this is hard for all involved so thank you for your ongoing support and understanding while we manage this current outbreak. I will continue to be provide updates where appropriate. 

All up to date information can be found at COVID-19 Updates | SwanCare.

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