Gastroenteritis and COVID-19 Update | SwanCare Waminda

Gastroenteritis and COVID-19 Update | SwanCare Waminda
Covid-19 updates

We would like to provide an update on the Gastroenteritis and COVID-19 outbreaks that we are currently experiencing at SwanCare Waminda. 

8th December 2023

Gastroenteritis and COVID-19 Update for SwanCare Waminda

We would like to provide an update on the Gastroenteritis and COVID-19 outbreaks that we are currently experiencing at SwanCare Waminda. 

We have two residents affected by gastro across Level 3 and Level 4. We have one resident affected by COVID-19 on Level 4 and one resident affected with Influenza A on Level 1. All affected residents’ families have been notified and the affected residents are being well taken care of in their rooms. We also have a total of three staff members currently affected by COVID-19 who are recovering and isolating at home. One staff member has made a full recovery from COVID-19 and has since returned to work. 

It is with great sadness to report that three of our residents have since passed away during these outbreaks. SwanCare wishes to convey our sincere sympathies to the family and friends of these much-loved residents.

Physiotherapy, social engagement activities and group dining have resumed at SwanCare Waminda for residents in non-affected areas. Hairdressing services are yet to resume.

Visitor restrictions remain in place for Level 1, Level 3 and Level 4 with exemptions made for end of life and partners in care. 

All visitors to Ground Floor and Level 2 are required to respect the increased infection control measures in place including completing a RAT prior to entry. We also ask that all visitors ensure an N95 mask is worn correctly when indoors and outdoors within residential aged care centre grounds. 

To reduce the risk of further spread, it is imperative to follow the correct process of donning and fit checking your mask to protect yourself and others. As such, we ask all visitors and stakeholders to view the following video tutorials on how to best don your personal protective equipment and N95 respirator.  

Donning PPE:  
Donning & Fit checking N95 Respirator: 

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation while we manage this current outbreak. 


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