COVID-19 Outbreak Update | SwanCare Ningana

COVID-19 Outbreak Update | SwanCare Ningana
Covid-19 updates

We would like to provide you with an update on the current COVID-19 outbreak at SwanCare Ningana.

24th January 2024

COVID-19 Outbreak Update | SwanCare Ningana 

We would like to provide you with an update on the current COVID-19 outbreak at SwanCare Ningana. We have one remaining affected resident on Level 3 who is still undergoing recovery and is being well taken care of in their room. We also have one affected staff member who is isolating at home until they make a full recovery and can return to work. However, we are pleased to share routine testing today has detected zero further COVID-19 cases for either residents or staff. 

We are taking every precaution to minimise chances of reinfection, as such, our increased infection control protocols remain in place across Level 3 as we continue to assess the current situation. 

SwanCare Ningana Level 3 remains closed to all visitors, with visitation exemptions made for end of life and partners in care. All staff and approved visitors are required to wear a N95 mask when entering Level 3 and must complete a RAT prior to entry. 

All other levels at SwanCare Ningana will remain open to visitors; however, all visitors are required to wear a surgical mask and must also complete a RAT prior to entry. Both resources can be obtained from reception.

Please be reminded all visitors must adhere to the current health and safety measures as detailed below:

  • Complete health screening and sign in using visitor kiosk upon arrival.
  • Current influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations prior to entry is encouraged.
  • Respect all infection prevention and control (IPC) measures in place.
  • Complete RAT prior to entry. 
  • Wear a mask indoors and outdoors within residential aged care centre grounds.
  • Refrain from visiting if unwell or if you are a close contact of a COVID-19 case.
  • If COVID-19 positive, refrain from visiting for at least 7 days and until symptom free.
  • Visitors are limited to two people at a time, from 9am – 12pm and 2pm – 5pm daily.

Thank you for your understanding, and I will continue to provide further updates where appropriate.  

All up to date information can be found at COVID-19 Updates | SwanCare.


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