COVID-19 Outbreak Declared |SwanCare Ningana

COVID-19 Outbreak Declared |SwanCare Ningana
Covid-19 updates

COVID-19 outbreak has been declared for SwanCare Ningana Level 1.

17th March 2024

COVID-19 Outbreak Declared

Please be advised that late yesterday evening, six residents have returned positive results for COVID-19 on Level 1 at SwanCare Ningana. All affected residents’ families have been notified and these residents are being well taken care of in their rooms. Three staff members have also tested positive and are isolating at home until they make a full recovery.  

As a result, a COVID-19 outbreak has been declared. All residents will be closely monitored for symptoms and will undergo Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) as required.

To minimise spread, visitations and movement on Level 1 has now been restricted, exemptions can made for end of life and partners in care however visitors will be required to complete a RAT prior to entry and wear an N95 mask.

Physiotherapy and social engagement activities will be modified to one-on-one and meal tray service will be provided to residents within their rooms on level 1, with hairdressing services temporarily cancelled until further notice.

Visitations can continue to other floors; however, we ask that you limit your visitations where possible. All visitors are required to follow the increased infection control protocols, which include completing a RAT prior to entry and correct wearing of a mask at all times. Please do not visit if you are feeling unwell.

All visitors are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the correct fitment of respirators (N95) to protect yourself and others. A tutorial for donning and fit checking can be viewed here:

Thank you for your cooperation while we manage this current outbreak. Further updates will be provided where appropriate. 

All up-to-date communications can be found at


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