SwanCare Waminda Refurbishment Project Update
Residential Aged CareBusiness

19th March 2025 | Level 2 Refurbishment Now Complete.

19th March 2025 

Level 2 Refurbishment Now Complete.

With the completion of Level 2, residents from Level 1 will be moved up to this new level and Dawn Projects will take over the first floor completely as of Monday the 24th of March, which is one week ahead of schedule.

Level 1 is due to reopen on the 4th of July, allowing our occupancy will build again.
We have also altered staging and plans for the Ground Floor with Dawn Projects taking over the central block (near the hairdresser’s salon) since mid-February. This was done to increase efficiencies across the trades which has considerably shortened the expected completion date of the entire project. No longer the end of September but now mid-July 2025. This is very good news for all concerned.

The Ground Floor space will be known as the “Main Street” and will be our Gym, GP clinic, waiting room, wellness lounge, Social Engagement office space, and hairdresser’s salon. Practical completion will be roughly the end of March or beginning of April.

Dining areas on all renovated floors are complete and operational with the residents and staff, now settled there and enjoying the smaller, beautifully appointed, dining rooms and adjacent lounges.

We are in the process of planning for a 3-day kitchen closure to allow for the installation of a sprinkler system. We can achieve this by moving the kitchen temporarily into the remaining dining room and utilising hired appliances for the time being. We do not expect any loss of food quality but do recognise the extra work involved for our food service team to take dishes to the Clubhouse next door for washing.

All in all, the refurbishments are progressing well and now forecast to be completed up to 3 months earlier than planned.

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