Small Steps

Small Steps
Residential Aged Care

SwanCare's Social Engagement Team have launched their new intergenerational program, Small Steps.

Last week a group of our residential aged care residents went on an exciting outing to make some adorable, new friends.

SwanCare’s Social Engagement Team have just launched their new intergenerational program, Small Steps, which encourages our residential aged care residents to build new relationships with the younger generation.

With the help of the team at Technology Park Education and Care Centre, our residents have the opportunity to spend time with little ones reading books, drawing pictures and playing games.

Not only are these sessions a whole lot of fun, but intergenerational programs, like Small Steps, can have a significant benefit on the physical and mental wellbeing of participants.

SwanCare’s Social Engagement Coordinator, Nilla, says she is thrilled to help bring the program to life.
“Seeing how the residents’ faces light up when they start interacting with the children makes my day!"

“Unfortunately, lots of residents don’t get visited by their grandchildren on a regular basis because they live far away or they are becoming busy young adults, even starting their own families," explains Nilla, "With this project, I want to make sure that the special bond between elderly people and the younger generations survives the times.”

Visit our Facebook post to see the photos:   Small Steps

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