Feathers Winners March 2023

Feathers Winners March 2023
Our People

We hear about the many valued team members who were nominated and awarded our Feathers Winners for March.

SwanCare is proud of the strong relationships our team shares between residents and their loved ones. Every member of staff has their own unique ability in connecting themselves to those they care for which creates an unbreakable bond that goes beyond ‘just doing their job.’

Kirsten MacDonald, Social Engagement Assistant at SwanCare Waminda, is an excellent example of this and recently demonstrated such in how she honored late resident Rita Stemmerik in a sentimental service for her family and friends at SwanCare Waminda. Please join us in congratulating Kirsten as our March Feathers winner for Compassion!

“Kirsten put together a slide show of the life of Rita Stemmerik for her memorial service held earlier this month. Many hours were spent outside of her work time collecting photos and putting the slide show together. Kirsten knew how important it was to Rita's stepdaughter Anita and her friends, as well as the residents and staff here at SwanCare Waminda, and came in on her day off to set up and explain to the team what they needed to do for the slide show to run smoothly. The song ‘Unforgettable’ was playing in the background whilst photos of Rita rolled on and off the screen, it was an emotional time for everyone. Anita stated that she would never forget how beautiful the memorial service was and how overwhelmed she felt during the slide show. Thank you, Kirsten, for all your efforts in making the service a memorable time for all. You did a wonderful job.”

Well done, Kirsten! We are so proud to have you part of our SwanCare community, and congratulations to all our March category winners.

Category Winners

Customer Service: Narelle Wallace (Recruitment Coordinator)

“I would like to give Narelle feathers for the customer service she provides to every single person she comes in contact with! Narelle is such a burst of positive energy who makes the recruitment process for our new starters a calm and supportive experience. My dealing with Narelle is what made me initially want to work for SwanCare the rapport she is able to build with people is amazing to witness and we are so lucky to have her on our team! Thank you for everything you do Narelle!”

What a well-deserved nomination Narelle. You truly do live the SwanCare values in all that you do.

Improvements, Innovation & Creativity: Leanne LeBrun (Admissions Manager)

“Ningana needed to purchase some capes to use for our resident's dignity when attending to showering.  The capes come with a head opening but then fully enclosed around. I approached Leanne because I know she loved sewing to see if she would be able to open the seam and place Velcro along the edge so it would be easier to put on the resident. Leanne completed the first one to see if ok and then has offered to complete the other two. Thanks heaps Leanne for making a difference to our resident's care and dignity.”

It’s the little things like this that can make such a difference in our residents’ daily experiences. Thank you, Leanne, for recognising this and assisting for the betterment of our residents.

Leadership: Raseilles (Iva) Gayagoy (Registered Nurse – SwanCare Kingia/Tandara)

“I would like to commend Iva for her outstanding performance and willingness to assume responsibility while filling in for Farhath as Clinical Nurse Manager at SwanCare Kingia and Tandara. During this time, we got an unannounced visit and Iva was able to respond to all questions being asked to her. Iva has assumed a great deal of unfamiliar responsibility, but she has embraced and learned it. Iva even comes on the weekend to complete SIRS reporting in addition to her roles and responsibilities as acting Clinical Nurse Manager.”

What a perfect example of what it takes to be a leader. Well done, Iva, and thank you!

Learning & Development: Rembrant Sy (Senior Application Support Officer)

“I would like to recognise Rem for going Over and Above for everyone in the team. Rem is one of the busiest people in the department yet still makes the time for entire team to answer questions educate us and help us with our tickets at any time with no delay. Way to go Rem!”

Ever the quiet achiever you are Rem. Thank you for taking the time to impart your knowledge on others, always with patience and a smile!

Recognising Others: Anne Noble (Administration Assistant – Hospitality) & Alicia Peng (Food Service Dietitian)

“With one of the Hospitality Admin staff being off due to unfortunate circumstances and their replacement cover having to urgently jump into cover while also navigating a new system both, Anne and Alicia stepped in to help guide and tutor the replacement. They helped set up an online task sheet that streamlined what was required day to day while also being available to answer frequent questions and help solve arising issues. Due to their efforts the cover managed to learn the new system and ensure meal services weren't heavily impeded.”

When a team comes together it can only be to the benefit of everyone. Thank you, Anne and Alicia, for all the support you provided during this time.

Teamwork: Sarah Wentworth (Administration Officer)

“Sarah is a real gem with a great attitude and an appetite to assist in any way she can. Yesterday was a prime example of this. When I stuck beside the printer in an effort to arrange a letterbox drop of new key contact magnets for all our village residents Sarah happily offered to stuff the envelopes that were printed with the magnets in between her meetings knowing the task at hand was not a small one. Her assistance meant we were able to get all 560+ envelopes printed stuffed and packed ready for delivery that afternoon. Her offer of help was greatly appreciated by the marketing department and made the whole arduous task go much quicker. Thanks so much Sarah.”

Yet another perfect example of how giving a little can have a much larger impact on those around you. Well done in recognising when assistance is required and stepping in to help Sarah!

Team Nomination: Pema Wangyel (AIN Kingia), Chundu Dema (AIN Kingia), Thinley Dema (AIN Tandara), Algin Frijas (AIN Kingia), Safiatu Greywood (AIN Kingia), Michael Fuentes (RN Kingia), Flordeliza Belarmino (AIN Kingia), Sukhdeep Sandhu (EN Kingia) & Jian Sang (AIN Kingia)

“There was an incident that occurred recently at SwanCare Kingia with resident aggression. It was right at morning handover and without going in to details of what happened suffice to say I needed assistance and very quickly. The whole team literally jumped into action immediately removed the resident safely off of me and handled the entire situation extremely well and professionally. The team we had today was amazing and I can't thank them enough for how quickly they all reacted. Thank you to all of you I'm so proud to work with you all.”

During times of adversity, we must band together, and that’s exactly what this amazing team did! Thank you for looking out for each other and coming together to ensure your colleagues feel safe and supported.

About Feathers:
The SwanCare Feathers Rewards Program celebrates and acknowledges the incredible work completed every day by our staff. Feathers nominations are accepted across seven categories, all based on SwanCare’s values of teamwork, customer service and leadership. Any member of our team can be nominated for their outstanding work, acts of kindness, or contributions to projects. Feathers rewards points are accumulated, and staff can redeem prizes from our online prize catalogue. 

Nominate someone!
Do you know someone who goes above and beyond, while displaying SwanCare’s values? If you would like to acknowledge a colleague’s work, submit a Feathers nomination by logging in to Feathers https://swancare.browniepoints.com.au.

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