Enrolled Nurse Appreciation

Enrolled Nurse Appreciation

Are you a caring and collaborative Enrolled Nurse on the lookout for a new career opportunity? Look no further than SwanCare and join our incredible team as they enrich the lives of our residents every day.

We think our Enrolled Nurses (ENs) are really special andwe want to take this opportunity to appreciate everything they do. So, we spoke to our amazing Care Services Manager at SwanCare Ningana, Sharleen Mann, and asked her to share some stories of the remarkable ENs in our team. 

What do you appreciate most about the ENs in your team? What impact do they have?

“What I love about ENs is their willingness to learn in terms of furthering their own skills and knowledge, knowing it creates better outcomes for our residents. I see this in the way they jump in and assist the team without hesitation. Whether that’s showering a resident, feeding them, or helping me when a room’s not ready for an admission by making a bed and getting things ready. That team support really helps to take a bit of pressure off the carers, too. It’s just all about teamwork. They’re all so compassionate and caring - but that’s pretty much a given for everyone at SwanCare!”

Can you share a moment when an EN went above and beyond for a resident or staff member?

“One of our Enrolled Nurses came across a cleaner who was experiencing chest pain. She took her aside for observation, then made the decision to call an ambulance. The EN did a really great job of keeping the cleaner quite calm. That staff member was concerned as she had to pick up her special needs daughter from school so this EN was able to contact her partner to make alternative arrangements for her daughter.The next day, she followed up with the staff member to make sure she was OK and that the hospital visit went well. For anyone who's experiencing that, whether a resident or staff member, it can be quite a scary prospect, so it made such a difference for her to step in and be a calming presence.”

Can you tell us about an EN who has grown their career at SwanCare? 

“We’ve been really successful in supporting our team members to progress at SwanCare Ningana. As a Manager, I've loved watching my team grow and develop their potential in the role they’re studying towards. There are a number of ENs who have developed into Registered Nurses (RNs) and two more who are currently studying. Plus, we’ve also had two Assistants in Nursing (AINs) who’ve progressed to ENs. One of them is officially starting as an EN this week. His name is Michael. He graduated a few years ago but wasn’t able to start working as an EN straight away. Sometimes, there are situations where someone has achieved that qualification, but isn't able to use it yet. We’re lucky here that we can support them through a pathway where they can use their EN qualification under supervised practice. Michael started working with us as a carer and he’ll now work as an EN under supervision, where he’ll be supported until he’s ready to be a full EN with our team.”

Can you think about a time when an EN stepped up and showed great leadership?

“There’s one team member who absolutely stands out for me as being a fantastic leader. Julie has been with us since we opened Level 1, and she manages that floor. Thirty-five residents live there, and they all love her. She’s developed a great team that all really support each other. She knows if the team is struggling, and they know if she’s struggling. They are very in tune with each other and the wider team at Ninganga, myself included.

“Our Clinical Nurse Manager was away for five weeks recently. Having one of your senior staff members away creates a bit of pressure. During this time Julie came and checked up on me every day. She made sure I was taking breaks and eating lunch and always asked if there was anything she could do to help. I really appreciated that support as a Manager, because it gave me the strength to support my team. And it showed what a great connection we all have. Our team is very cohesive.

“Julie’s just a consummate leader. She was even awarded the 2022 Employee of the Year Award after being nominated by team members and families for the great service she provides and the great things she does. I think she’d make a wonderful Registered Nurse, but not everyone wants to do that. I think she likes working at the level where she can deliver a great service and be happy with what she does. And she’s always very happy. She’s always the one wearing bright scrubs and scrunchies. She’s very calm, but she’s always a happy and kind person.”

Can you share any stories or special moments where you’ve seen ENs achieve at SwanCare? 

“SwanCare Ningana is such a young centre compared to other established SwanCare residential aged care centres. We opened in a difficult time, at the beginning of COVID-19. It’s been nearly three years, and a lot of our residents have never seen us without masks on. So, the fact that our staff have all worked through a challenging environment in the centre but have still been able to grow and develop their skills, all while giving such great care to our residents and looking after each other, is an amazing achievement.”

If you’d like to join our incredible team of Enrolled Nurses, you can apply through the link below: https://swancare.elmotalent.com.au/careers/scgjobs/job/view/78 

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