Australia's Biggest Morning Tea 2024

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea 2024
Retirement Living

Our annual Cancer Council fundraiser has been yet another smashing success!

29th May 2024

On Thursday our village residents, friends and family joined us for a meaningful morning tea to fundraise for Cancer Council Australia.

Hosted by retirement living residents Dianne and Bruce M., alongside their team of helping hands, the annual event proved to be another smashing success with over a hundred guests in attendance. All of whom were invited to bring a plate to share, a teapot to display, and a donation to support Cancer Council Western Australia.

The generous contributions have since been collected and the results are in…

We’re extremely proud to share our Bentley Park community has raised a total of $3,309! 

All proceeds from the day will go directly towards funding cancer research, support, and prevention campaigns. A cause that is near and dear to many of us at SwanCare.

This incredible result is $809 over our target goal. This has also beaten our previous fundraiser, which saw a total of $2,295 raised from our 2023 Morning Tea. 

Our community has proven, yet again, that together we can help to make a real difference. Congratulations and a huge thank you to all involved! 

See the pictures here:  Bentley Park's Australia's Biggest Morning Tea 2024



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